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Writing Resolutions (and some thoughts on white noise) ? the Well ...

Rabbit - lookIt?s the beginning of another year and I?ve been thinking a lot about my writing. 2012 was my first year as a full time writer with a book out (and then two). It was an amazing year but it certainly brought a bunch of new challenges, pressures, and the need to juggle more balls. My time has changed. It?s not that I don?t have time, it?s that time is precious and I want to use it wisely.

With that in mind I have three writing resolutions for 2013:

Enjoy Blogging Again

I began blogging because words were just busting out of me and I needed somewhere to put them. Plus I loved thinking about writing / illustration, and if I didn?t put my thoughts somewhere I was going to drive my family crazy speaking about it constantly. This hasn?t changed ? I?m still overflowing with words and love speaking about the industry (and still drive my family nuts). BUT nowadays I funnel most of my words into my manuscripts (deadlines!) and spend much time speaking about craft at festivals and schools. Weeks go by without me blogging and I feel guilty about it. And a guilty blogger is not a happy blogger. So: I?ve given myself permission to blog only when I feel like it, and about whatever writing stuff I want (rather than what I think I should blog about).

This means there might be spans of time where I don?t blog. If you want to keep up with me I?d recommend you:

Reduce White Noise

A big part of writing for me ? in fact, probably the biggest ? is the thinking. And I need lots of time to think: time where my mind wanders around and about and back again, allowing ideas to swirl and come together. I?ve been practising this skill my whole life. I started daydreaming as a kid (my grade 3 teacher wrote it on my report card as a negative but I knew otherwise). I think deeply about things. I?ve never been able to hear a story or anecdote without taking it a hundred steps further in my mind. And as a writer I rely on this trait.

That?s where white noise comes in. In the last few years we?ve gotten pretty good at eliminating ?wasted time? with the invention of the smart phone. We no longer sit on buses and stare out the window, or wait for a friend to arrive at a cafe by watching people go by. Because we pull out our phone. We?ve filled our heads with white noise ? Facebook and twitter and blogs and always being accessible by email. For most this may not be an issue. But for me I?ve removed my mind?s chance to wander, daydream and ask ?what if??. I?ve filled it with other people?s status updates, blog posts and (often) inane chatter. Why this is a problem: I don?t think about my stories as much. I have less new ideas.

My plan is to cut back the white noise. Severely. It?s not easy, as my iPhone habits are quite ingrained, but it?s getting easier. And guess what? The ideas are already flowing better.?I also like myself better when I spend less time on my phone. I smile more and have more to say about the world.

PS. My thoughts on this became more concrete after reading this awesome blog post on Nathan Bransford?s site (make sure you read right through).

Year of Writing

People assume that being a full time writer mostly involves a lot of ? well ? writing. Sadly, this isn?t so, which I discovered all too well this year. Most of my time has been consumed by business type stuff, promotion, travel and speaking work. This year has been a real eye opener. I?m still learning how to manage it all, and to be honest I?ve hardly created any new work. I miss writing. So I?m officially naming this my Year of Writing. I?ve resolved to put it first again.

Come hell, high water or the zombie apocalypse, there will be writing.

And on that note, I?m sneaking back to the first draft of my YA novel. 25,000 words and counting?

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Source: http://wellreadrabbit.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/writing-resolutions-and-some-thoughts-on-white-noise/

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