শুক্রবার, ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Saturday's Letters: Opposing views on State of the Union


A drink of water

Who cares about Rubio?s parched lips? It?s his thirst for solutions that interests me!

David J. Gross, St. Johns


It?s a choice

Regarding the letter from the reader who was offended by the Times-Union article about The Tilted Kilt: The outrage is misdirected.

No one has ordered these women to work at this pub; they made that choice on their own.

They are exploiting themselves and no doubt making good tips doing so. Honestly, I?ve seen girls and women flaunting more at the mall.

If scantily clad women offend you, go somewhere else.

In the meantime, find a group of truly exploited people who need your help. There are plenty out there.

Denise Tondreault Bizzaro, Ponte Vedra Beach


Invest at home

In his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama mostly separated domestic and foreign policy, perhaps understandably, but let?s connect some dots here.

The president mentioned the need to invest in our infrastructure, which is sorely needed, and which would also be a terrific job creator and economic stimulator. Specifically he noted there are 70,000 bridges needing repair.

Let?s get that done!

Some will say there?s no money for this, but of course there is. It?s just misappropriated right now in our bloated Pentagon budget, including useless, exorbitant Cold War weapons systems, maintaining more than 1,000 foreign military bases (many in countries that can defend themselves), inane plans for nuclear weapons ?modernization? and the $7 billion per month we continue to spend on a pointless war in Afghanistan, which the president says needs to continue for almost another two years.

Let?s bring our troops and war dollars home now! Put that money and maybe some of those troops to work rebuilding our bridges, roads and schools and creating green energy technology.

We need jobs and investment in community needs, not an endless war or bloated Pentagon budget.

Obama said that some in Congress want to protect the Pentagon from cuts by cutting even more from education, job training, Medicare and Social Security benefits.

The U.S. spends almost as much on the military as the rest of the world?s nations combined. Is that helping rebuild our economy and our communities or making us more secure? Surely we can make smarter investments with our tax dollars.

Mohammad Ilyas, Jacksonville


Consider gas prices

How can the president or any politician say that the state of our union is in better shape? Obviously, he doesn?t buy gas or anything associated with it.

Everything associated with it includes food, utilities, transportation, clothing, hardware, software, heating, air conditioning, building supplies, automobiles, boats, health care, communications and the list goes on.

Has this president or Congress gone by a gas station to see what is happening to Main Street America?

At $1.70 per gallon when Barack Obama was elected and now at $3.70 per gallon, how can anyone think our state is better? Our dollar buys less now than ever before because of gas prices. We have smaller packaging with higher prices.

Energy independence is an oxymoron used in Washington that will not exist with current policies. The state of our union is in bad shape for all of America except politicians.

Mike Dallas, Jacksonville


Repelling youth

Thank you for your lead letter, Billee Bussard! You expressed exactly what has been on my mind about young people leaving Jacksonville due to backward attitudes.

Last Monday my son and his girlfriend, 2008 graduates of Paxon School for Advanced Studies and recent graduates of Jacksonville University and the University of North Florida, left Jacksonville to establish a life in a more progressive, vibrant city.

It is unfortunate because they are exactly the intelligent, thoughtful, reasonable citizens this community needs.

Melody Shacter, Jacksonville


Words from a believer

I found it interesting that only seven students were included in a front page color spread in the Times-Union on Thursday.

My experience has been that ?Under 30s? may be less interested in religion but are now more interested in spirituality and deep connections with both God and man than in my six decades of life. God cannot be contained by religion or threatened by questioning.

I also focus on the here and now, on humans, on ways to serve them and properly steward this good Earth we share for the few years of life here.

It is because I am a believer that I am inspired and enabled from the eternal to love, work and be connected to those in the here and now. I think we all want the best for this beautiful blue ball and every soul living on it.

It?s what our Father wants, too.

Amelia Gaillard, Jacksonville

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/JacksonvillecomsNewsSportsAndEntertainment/~3/q7WRL09PBws/saturdays-letters-opposing-views-state-union

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