বুধবার, ১০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Comments - Guernsey Personal Trainer

The truth is that most bootcamps don?t do an awful lot in the long run.

As for average gym classes?well the story just gets worse.

It upsets me to find out people have been going to the gym and not seeing results! Seriously some people pay ?40 per month and get nothing whatsoever in return other than a reminder when annual renewal is up!

I?m going to show you exactly what?s in our recipe for success in a second.

And don?t worry I know what it?s like when you?re REALLY crapping yourself about trying something new ? this is me on The Tower of Terror at Disneyland last week.

tower of terror jon le tocq

See I HATE dropping down fast and used to have dreams about lift cables snapping so this ride is literally my worst nightmare, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to move forward in life!

Doing things differently to the fitness industry was the very reason we chose to call our group fitness training program the ?Guernsey Fitness Camp? rather than ?bootcamp? in the first place!

It has since evolved into the Storm Force Fitness Academy because I wanted it to be a place for people to learn and continue to grow. Fitness Camps and Bootcamps sound far too short-lived and I lose sleep when I hear of people slipping back after forcing some weird diet on themselves then slipping back to where they were.

This is an epic fail on the part of the fitness industry.

For me the job is never done and we can always do more for you and serve you better in helping your lifestyle get better

We wanted to distance ourselves from the now widely available ?bootcamps? which largely revolve around bodyweight exercises outdoors.

I genuinely believe 90% of people paying for services in the fitness industry are being robbed and wanted to set about changing that with Storm Force Fitness.

A recent survey of our members to see how we could get even better showed that more people actually become members because of the benefits our program delivers in terms of health and energy levels, ahead of fat loss and losing weight.

Yet the fitness industry has convinced you that it?s all about ?weight loss? or (somewhat better) ?fat loss?.

To recall one of the hundreds of success stories we have,?Rob Stone took his blood sugar down from 16.something to under 7. This is from borderline insulin injections to ?you?re fine and in good health? and achieved at aged 57 having not done any exercise for a loooong time!

This is Rob (bottom right) enjoying his results (he lost about 3-4 stones in body fat as well) guilt free with a pint or two at our latest social night where over 6o of our members turned out in force to celebrate the family we?ve built up at Storm Force Fitness!

storm force fitness

Oh and this is his wife Barbara (notes as Mrs Stoney) and daughter Christy (the house police representative!) chilling out with Lucia, Jane and Joc.

guernsey fitness camp

Don?t get me wrong, we have LOADS of fat loss testimonials.

Just this week I received these photos from Eddie Goracy who has followed our online program for just 3 weeks to get these results and is now talking about joining the camps.

Read that again.

This was achieved without even physically training with us?.

weight loss,  fat lossonline fat loss programs

If a smoker who has done nothing for 25 years, can achieve this, I KNOW that anyone (bar someone with serious medical or physical conditions) can change their life around and feel amazing, experiencing once again what it?s like to have health and loads of energy!

But the point is that we?re doing things very differently and I believe I have finally figured it out.

I?m sharing it with you because if you have a fitness routine which isn?t working out for you, you?ll be able to see what the missing pieces are, and if you?re ?thinking about it? I want you to see that the people we train are use like you.

We have lots of people over 50, we have people with injuries that need working around, we have really fit people who want to get better and people who like Eddie have done nothing for 25 years.

All in one place at the same time and the result is an amazing group of people I and my team of trainers LOVE to work with and to work FOR.

See that?s Point 1. Many people look for an instructor when they should be looking for a coach. Instructors do just that. They tell you WHAT to do.

Coaches do what they have to do and say what they have to say to groups and individuals to get the most out of that person.

I?ve worked extensively on myself and the team to get better at showing you WHAT to do, but also HOW to do it most effectively (there is a difference) and help you discover WHY you should want to do it.

Nobody REALLY enjoys the moments they are working out hard or making their body do uncomfortable stuff.

The enjoyment comes when it?s all over soon and you feel amazing and can get up each morning happy with the way you look and feel and go out into the world with confidence in yourself, something many people fail to do.

So here?s the why, what and how of what we do.

If you can?t tick these off, I invite you to come see us as soon as you can because I promise we will rock your world!

The ?why?s? are the most important, the how?s a distant second and the what?s right at the bottom. Most people can make a roughly good guess at the what?s but without the why?s and how?s, they lose their power!

This could be a huge list but I?ve stripped away the fluff to what we?ve discovered is the core of what people want and what we deliver.


Experience more from life

Enjoy your free time more


Make exercise as time-efficent as possible because you?re busy

Live longer

Have the movement ability and energy for the activities you and your family want to do

Take on fitness challenges from basic to extreme!

Hormone balance

Lose fat

Increase confidence

Build strength without becoming a bodybuilder

Deal with stress better

Experience a sense of worth, belonging and friendship

Focus on what you can do, not what you can?t

Experience coaching rather than instructing

Gain the belief that you can do and be whatever you want to be


Metabolic conditioning sessions that burn more calories during and after the sessions

Up to three sessions per week of 60 minutes at times convenient for you ? nothing extra needed!

Strength training combined with interval training

Cardio without the boredom of treadmills and other such machines designed by the Monotony Fairy

Timed challenges to push you to be better (compared to yourself and nobody else)

Social nights

Team challenges

Various nutrition plans to suit different lifestyles

Constant support and encouragement including the ?There Are No Stupid Questions? Rule!

Mindset tasks to help program your mind

Discounts at, and contacts in, a range of Guernsey businesses to help you with your fitness lifestyle!

So What Do You Have To Do?

The power of the Storm Force Fitness Academy is that we have such finely honed systems you simply need to plug them into your life.

And believe me I have seen people from all walks of life with ridiculously busy schedules implement with great effect.

So you know by following the system and not asking questions based on what you thought you knew, you will get results.

The ?what? is our responsibility and we will deliver that.

Your role, beyond that before you book on the camps or join us for personal training, is to know the Why and How behind the discontent you feel with life right now.

You may be confident at work because of your experience and intelligence but get anxious because you?re overweight and feel self-conscious in social situations.

You may have a normal looking body right now but you?ve struggled to find the people you want in your life and feel lonely.

You might just want to be better and kick ass at your sport because you always want to be your best.

All of the above is fine and I have personally experience them all (replace overweight with feeling skinny and unattractive. Yes us guys get it too?.!)

It is only a problem when you let it take you over every day of your life and stop yo moving forwards.

You?ll only ever be made to feel welcome and part of the family and with your why in place, we can help you find the best route to achieving that with the right Hows because often what you think you need is actually a cover up you?ve come up with to stop you making the hard admission about other areas of your life.

Once you know this you will have more drive and ambition to go away and plug the system in.

The system works and will work for you but only if you take time to be honest with yourself about why you are doing it.

There is no point me trying to motivate myself to train harder based on someone else?s? expectations about what a fitness camp is which is usually to lose fat.

If I realise and train my mind to accept that I need to train hard to keep my strength, confidence and excitement levels up in order to meet new people and live a life of adventure THIS will inspire me in the long-term.

(Note the difference between inspiration and enforced motivation which will only last a matter of days or weeks if you?re lucky.)

Any fears you have about the bad things that ?might? happen to you if you join the Guernsey Fitness Camp are based on preconceived notions from previous experiences in a gym where you don?t get access to our amazing team of coaches or on fears that have materialised from allowing other peoples? words to hurt you and make you believe everyone is like that!

Nobody will laugh at you.

Nobody will embarrass you.

Nobody will be looking at what you?re doing until you get amazing results then they will congratulate you LOTS and make you feel on top of the world!

What will happen is that you will become part of a group of people that have become more powerful and more influential in each others lives than I could ever have hoped!

I?m proud to lead the pack but know that the power is in the group. When you join you will make the group even stronger and actively help others simply by giving 100% whatever that means in real terms to YOU.

Not sure what it feels like to be part of something like that?

No, these guys didn?t either?

guernsey fitness camp

You have everything to gain from investing the money you spend on false efforts to make yourself feel better (alcohol, shoes, new clothes, coffee and cake?.) and we hope you?re finally ready to bite the bullet and find out just why the Storm Force Fitness Academy has become Guernsey?s number one fitness experience!

Source: http://guernseypersonaltrainer.com/2012/10/guernsey-fitness-camps-what-do-bootcamps-really-do/

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