শনিবার, ১৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

5 Security Tools Every Business Should Use

You can never be too safe when it comes to protecting your business, its ideas, products and most importantly its employees. Whatever the nature of your business is, the number of employees it has, or the size of the physical space, there are some essential security tools that will benefit every type of business big or small. Take a look below at these five crucial security tools and see if your business is as safe as it can be.

1. Online Video Surveillance:

Every business should have a surveillance system in place, even if just outside of the building. However, there are new surveillance systems available on the market today that are more efficient and ensure a greater sense of security for you and your employees. Online video surveillance is a type of security system using surveillance cameras and recording equipment that are enabled via the internet, allowing for the system to be maintained from any remote location. Some security companies who offer this form of video surveillance may also offer it through means of cloud computing. This means that wherever you are, you may log into your video management platform that will allow you to access your real time video surveillance. Now you know that no matter what, you can always keep an eye on your business and employees ensuring their safety.

2. Biometric devices:

Most businesses have some form of clock-in system for their employees, usually involving a time card or swipe card. While these are great for recording employee attendance and hours, they are not always tamper-proof. One of the fastest growing security technologies on the market today is biometric technology. Biometrics is the identification of an individual using a unique physical trait such as their fingerprints or retinal pattern. This technology is now being used in devices such as time clocks for workplaces. Using biometric devices such as fingerprint and retinal scanners or voice recognition devices is a great way to not only monitor your employees hours and attendance, but also keep them safe ensuring that nobody has access to the workplace that is not already entered into the system. As a plus, biometric devices are tamper proof and also eliminate things such as time theft in the form of buddy swiping (when one employee signs in for an employee who is absent) or time card fraud.

3. Hotlines:

Not every business uses a hotline, and if they do, not all employees may be aware of its existence. Hotlines are a great way to prevent and confront any issues of workplace violence, harassment or other suspicious behaviour that may be happening from inside the office walls. Employees who are experiencing or who notice any ongoing harassment, violence or other disturbing or suspicious behaviour can call the hotline and report the incident(s). Hotlines are completely anonymous so the identity of the caller will always be protected in order to ensure their own personal safety. Once a call is placed, this behaviour will be monitored closely through surveillance and other means within the office. If anything appears to be going on, or events start to escalate, security will be able to stop things before they happen or at least confront the perpetrator on the spot. Hotlines are a tool that every business should use.

4. Internet monitoring software:

Much of today?s business world revolves around the internet. If your business is not using the internet or does not have a website, you may be falling behind. Due to this reliance upon the internet for business, an entire new world has opened up on the security front. A useful security tool that every business should invest in is Internet monitoring software. This software allows you to monitor the internet usage in your workplace, seeing who is using the internet for what purposes, as well as allowing you to see when security breach attempts are being made. This software can help prevent the theft of any important documentation or information that is being stored on your company?s system such as payroll information, client account information and things such as passwords and security pins.

5. Alarm Systems:

This security tool may seem obvious, but not every business uses an alarm system, especially smaller start-ups that are just taking off. With a small office of only a few employees, it may not seem necessary to install an alarm system, but it really is. Alarm systems can work in conjunction with your surveillance system, your time clock system and even your company?s computer system. If at any point there is a breach of security in any of these areas, your alarms can be programmed to go off. Most petty thefts and small breaches won?t actually happen if the perpetrator notices that there is an alarm system in place. However, if they do decide to make the attempt, once the alarm is sounded they will most likely be scared off, or better yet, if you have security guards on site, they will be able to catch the intruders in action.

About The Author:?Adelaide Irene is a freelance writer with interests in business management and the newest techniques and tools on the market. She also works with a corporate security company ? SECURaGLOBE.

Source: http://www.thebackuplist.com/5-security-tools-every-business-should-use/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-security-tools-every-business-should-use

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